Self Awareness

“Know your value, needs, limits, and strengths for true happiness.”
(Maximizing Your Potential: Essential Growth Tools)

Socrates famously declared “know thyself,” but what does that mean? To know who you are is to know four key things about yourself. It means to know your value, your needs, your limits, and your strengths. Many of us go about our lives without any awareness of our own value, needs, limits, and strengths.

And that is why it is so important for us to get to know ourselves. We need to know what makes us unique and gives us purpose, what we want and need out of life, where we end and where others begin, and what we are good at and where not to waste our time. It is only by becoming aware of these things that we can reach our potential and find the happiness we’re all looking for.

Growing stronger, side by side!


Kent DelHousaye
Co-Founder of Love and Transformation Institute